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Your weekly irregular dose of fabulous1 fiction

A Dash of Evil
Friday, 30 Oct 2009 11:50

I think this seemed funnier when I started writing it :P But it's at least somewhat Hallowe'en appropriate.

So this weekend NaNoWriMo starts! I'm not sure if I'm going to do Friday Flash while I'm nanoing. Probably not, although if there are any good bits from my novel, I'll post 'em up.


Lazy Afternoon
Friday, 23 Oct 2009 11:03

This one is short and (hopefully) sweet because I'm on a mini-vacation this weekend in Las Vegas! When I'm back home, I'll start in on this week's stories. Unfortunately, my hotel charges for wireless. And I can't even read on my iPhone because data roaming fees are insane.


Are There Always Dogs?
Sunday, 18 Oct 2009 17:09 this is basically the first action scene I've ever written. (Practice for my nanowrimo story this year) I'm not sure I'm cut out for writing action.

Update: tweaked a bit of the dialogue.

In the Sinister Lair of Dr. Heisenburg
Thursday, 01 Oct 2009 21:58

I had a fair bit of fun writing this one. Hopefully that comes through :)

Friday, 25 Sep 2009 14:10

This story is a pared-down, heavily edited version of the intro to my NaNoWriMo effort from 2006. I stumbled across it on my hard drive the other day and decided on a whim to turn it into a Friday Flash story.

Tune in next week for a story that I think is going to involve a mad scientist!

Tuesday, 22 Sep 2009 19:45

I normally like to keep the site's content focused squarely on the Fabulous F**king Fiction (with the occasional programming note tossed in).

But anyway, I'd like to say thanks to the Friday Flash community for all their awesome comments. It's fantastic getting feedback from folks who aren't friends of mine with an obligation to be nice to me :) And also getting to read your stuff is always a treat!

1 Fabulousness not guaranteed