import profile from random import randrange from DisjointSet import DisjointSet PERM_WALL = 0 WALL = 1 FLOOR = 2 class CA_CaveFactory: def __init__(self,length,width,initial_open=0.40): self.__length = length self.__width = width self.__area = length * width self.__map = [] self.__ds = DisjointSet() self.__up_loc = 0 self.center_pt = (int(self.__length/2),int(self.__width/2)) self.__gen_initial_map(initial_open) def print_grid(self): x = 0 row = "" for r in range(0,self.__length): for c in range(0,self.__width): if self.__map[r][c] in (WALL,PERM_WALL): print '#', else: print '.', print def gen_map(self): for r in range(1,self.__length-1): for c in range(1,self.__width-1): wall_count = self.__adj_wall_count(r,c) if self.__map[r][c] == FLOOR: if wall_count > 5: self.__map[r][c] = WALL elif wall_count < 4: self.__map[r][c] = FLOOR self.__join_rooms() return self.__map # make all border squares walls # This could be moved to a superclass def __set_border(self): for j in range(0,self.__length): self.__map[j][0] = PERM_WALL self.__map[j][self.__width-1] = PERM_WALL for j in range(0,self.__width): self.__map[0][j] = PERM_WALL self.__map[self.__length-1][j] = PERM_WALL def __gen_initial_map(self,initial_open): for r in range(0,self.__length): row = [] for c in range(0,self.__width): row.append(WALL) self.__map.append(row) open_count = int(self.__area * initial_open) self.__set_border() while open_count > 0: rand_r = randrange(1,self.__length-1) rand_c = randrange(1,self.__width-1) if self.__map[rand_r][rand_c] == WALL: self.__map[rand_r][rand_c] = FLOOR open_count -= 1 def __adj_wall_count(self,sr,sc): count = 0 for r in (-1,0,1): for c in (-1,0,1): if self.__map[(sr + r)][sc + c] != FLOOR and not(r == 0 and c == 0): count += 1 return count def __join_rooms(self): # divide the square into equivalence classes for r in range(1,self.__length-1): for c in range(1,self.__width-1): if self.__map[r][c] == FLOOR: self.__union_adj_sqr(r,c) all_caves = self.__ds.split_sets() for cave in all_caves.keys(): self.__join_points(all_caves[cave][0]) def __join_points(self,pt1): next_pt = pt1 while 1: dir = self.__get_tunnel_dir(pt1,self.center_pt) move = randrange(0,3) if move == 0: next_pt = (pt1[0] + dir[0],pt1[1]) elif move == 1: next_pt = (pt1[0],pt1[1] + dir[1]) else: next_pt = (pt1[0] + dir[0],pt1[1] + dir[1]) if self.__stop_drawing(pt1,next_pt,self.center_pt): return root1 = self.__ds.find(next_pt) root2 = self.__ds.find(pt1) if root1 != root2: self.__ds.union(root1,root2) self.__map[next_pt[0]][next_pt[1]] = FLOOR pt1 = next_pt def __stop_drawing(self,pt,npt,cpt): if self.__ds.find(npt) == self.__ds.find(cpt): return 1 if self.__ds.find(pt) != self.__ds.find(npt) and self.__map[npt[0]][npt[1]] == FLOOR: return 1 else: return 0 def __get_tunnel_dir(self,pt1,pt2): if pt1[0] < pt2[0]: h_dir = +1 elif pt1[0] > pt2[0]: h_dir = -1 else: h_dir = 0 if pt1[1] < pt2[1]: v_dir = +1 elif pt1[1] > pt2[1]: v_dir = -1 else: v_dir = 0 return (h_dir,v_dir) def __union_adj_sqr(self,sr,sc): loc = (sr,sc) for r in (-1,0): for c in (-1,0): nloc = (sr+r,sc+c) if self.__map[nloc[0]][nloc[1]] == FLOOR: root1 = self.__ds.find(loc) root2 = self.__ds.find(nloc) if root1 != root2: self.__ds.union(root1,root2) caf = CA_CaveFactory(30,30,0.41)"caf.gen_map()") caf.print_grid()