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Your weekly irregular dose of fabulous1 fiction

Who Am I?

My name is Dana Larose. I'm your host here and I'm very much an amateur writer. In real life, I'm software developer working for a school division here in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I like telling stories and making stuff up so writing seemed like a good outlet for my creativity.

Why Would I Do This?

Why did I start Fabulous F**king Fiction? I've always enjoyed writing although I'm generally awful lazy about it. The past few years, the only fiction I've written has been during National Novel Writing Month. Each year I always say that I'll write outside of NaNo - short stories, edit my NaNo novel (or finish it), etc., etc., blah blah blah. That's always a dirty, dirty lie.

However, I've decided to actually make an effort in 2008 to write and posting one short story per week. And to make sure I actually did write, I told anyone who would listen about the project in a bid to shame myself into actually following through. The short story of the week idea was stolen from inspired by my friend DJ's project, Monkey, Monster or Spaceman.

If you want to contact me about any of the stories or me - praise, comments and constructive criticism - feel free to send me an email at, or leave a comment on the story of course.

I've created a Facebook group, if you want to join. I mainly just use it to let people know when I've posted a new story.

FFF as a weekly project has wrapped up. While I didn't actually stick to one story per week, it did get me writing regularly in a way I never had before. And even better, I quite liked a number of the stories I produced. There were a few duds too, of course, but c'est la vie.

Om nom nom...

I still occasionally write when the mood hits me and have recently started doing Flash Fiction Fridays with a bunch of other writers on Twitter and what I produce will generally be posted here as well.


The software for the site was written me. I rolled my own as a replacement for a really light-weight blog software that I was unable to get working. After a few hours I realized I could have written my own replacement in less time than I spent configuring the other one so...

The very awesome banner was drawn for me by the wonderful Ruth Steinback.

The rabbit portrayed is my bunny Melissa. She really does have a taste for MacBook Pro power cords.

1 Fabulousness not guaranteed