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FFF: Dead Tree Edition
Sunday, 08 Mar 2009 21:33

One idea I tossed around while working on FFF last year was making myself a paperback of the stories when it was all over. I did put a fair bit of effort into the project and it would be pretty nifty to have a physical copy to sit on my bookshelf :) I figured after NaNo I'd start looking at editing and formatting them and...hmmm...hey it's March already!

So I think I'm going to look this again. I wonder what kind of editing pace I can keep up? Four stories per week? I think I will include them all, even though there are a few I dislike. In for a penny, in for a pound I guess.

I will probably use unless someone has suggestions for self-publishing places they've dealt with.

I have a title for it: Perfectly Normal Beasts

I suppose I'll need a cover designed as well, so I may have to nag one of you guys with some artistic inclinations...

One question for you guys: does anyone want a copy? I figured I'd order 2 or 3 for myself, but if anyone wants one I can certainly order more.

Week #43 - It's Space-Aged!
Wednesday, 04 Mar 2009 20:51

I won't call this a comeback, but it was fun to write a story for the first time in ages.

Tillica is the name of a now-defunct company that Jessica and I used to work for. They were an IT shop and had nothing at all to do with pillows.


Week #42 - The Engineer And The Gin Joint
Monday, 17 Nov 2008 19:32

Well this one was a bit of a surprise for me. Nanowrimo veterans will tell you that it's pretty common, a week or two into writing, to start to hate your story. This is often accompanied by all kinds of ideas for new, better stories. Although they are often merely "better".

Anyway, I find the best way for me to get through those periods is to just write a bit of whatever idea hits me, to get it out of my system. In this case, the idea was about an engineer who designs toothbrushes who discovers his wife is a gun runner and a mercenary. I was kinda going for a bit of a hard-boiled feel to it. See what I mean about how sometimes the ideas are merely "better"?

I wrote the opening scene for that story today at lunch and decided it would make a nice little mini-FFF. So here you go!

Week #41 - The Guidebook
Thursday, 30 Oct 2008 21:11

Well here we are! My plan with FFF was to force myself to write outside of NaNoWriMo, and while I missed a few weeks, I've still written pretty consistently for the entire year. And some of the stories I rather like.

Thanks to everyone who read the stories and gave me feedback through the year!

What next? NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow at midnight. I'll probably post some snippets here throughout the month. And after that I might continue with the stories. Not every week, 'cause there's other things I want to work on. But perhaps one or two per month. There's also a 42nd story (that I actually began before this one) that I set aside because I was having trouble making it work. So if I have a chance, I might try to whip it into shape and post it sometime in November.

Week #40 - Kimberley's Unicorn
Monday, 13 Oct 2008 18:27

It's always a treat when the first digit flips over :) FFF #40!

I was struggling a bit with the tone for this one. I couldn't decide if I should go for happy or sad. I hope the way I wrote it works.

Three stories left! I've received a challenge to do a mystery, a genre pretty far outside my areas of expertise. But we'll see. I'll read some Agatha Christie books for inspiration and see what I come up with. It'll be the last or maybe the penultimate story.

Happy reading :)

Whitelisted on FFF! Join the clique!
Wednesday, 08 Oct 2008 17:56

While the spamfilter I wrote was doing a good job of keeping spam comments from appearing on the site, it was coming up with a few too many false positives.

So, I've updated the software behind FFF to include a whitelist of emails that I'll always accept comments from.

If you've commented in the past and you entered your email address, then you're already on the list!

If you haven't been in the past, please start filling in the email address so I can whitelist you. It doesn't even have to be a real one :P

New story should be up this weekend. I think it might have a hint of sci-fi.

1 Fabulousness not guaranteed